16 weeks doctor visit

Today was my 16 week prenatal appointment. With my ravenous appetite over the past month, I was afraid to step on the scale. Much to my surprise, however, I am right on target for weight gain. I got to hear the little heartbeat again. I don’t think that will ever get old. There are two hearts beating within me. Simply amazing. For William’s sake, I asked the nurse if she was able to determine if there were twins by the heart tones. (William continues to beg me for twins…) She laughed and told me that I shouldn’t desire such a thing (as she speaks from experience with a set of her own.) She also said that since my uterus is right on target for size and there is only one heartbeat detected, the probability of having twins looks slim. (Sorry, William.) Besides, multiple gestation pregnancies mean more frequent visits to the doctor, and the pregnancy becomes classified as high risk. Since I’m still in school, I’d rather not add that complication.

In four weeks, we’ll finally get to “see” the baby for the first time. At 20 weeks, we get the first ultrasound. We have decided to find out the sex or rather “the flavor” (as my grandfather said) of the baby provided that the baby isn’t trying to hide such information from us. Several of our close friends have had babies or are still pregnant. Two have had boys, one is having a boy, and the other couple has decided to let it be a surprise until delivery. All, however (provided the last couple has a boy) have called dibs on our child if the baby turns out to be a girl. There’s nothing like trying to arrange a marriage before the baby is even born! We’ll see. My prayer is simply for a healthy baby.

On a side note, the doctor that I saw today actually delivered the baby of a good highschool friend. Come to find out, she also graduated, although a few years ahead, from the same small Christian school that I attended for 13 years. I guess when you return to the place of your childhood, you are bound to run into others who shared many of the same experiences.