Scorpion Sightings Up 83%, Killings Stay at 100%

A scorpion with 5 babies on its back in our garageBefore today we had only seen/killed 12 scorpions in and around our new house. That’s about 11 too many (one was used for some amazing black light filming). Tonight I stepped into the garage and found a scorpion with 5 8 babies on her back. Aaargh!

Sorry, momma scorpion, my baby is worth more to me than yours. DIE!

**Update** Went back to collect the carcases and realized there were 8 babies. Then found another dead scorpion in a spider web in the hallway. God bless those “good” spiders.

4 thoughts on “Scorpion Sightings Up 83%, Killings Stay at 100%

  1. Lauren

    This is so creepy to me, I actually checked all in my sheets when I went to bed after I first read it. BUT I wanted to tell you I mentioned it to my dad (we were trading insect stories, which is admittedly kind of strange), and he said to tell you to check around your yard for rotting wood. It’s apparently a scorpion’s preferred habitat. You may even have some rotting wood buried in your yard somewhere, which isn’t that easy to find, but maybe on the periphery of your plot? Anyway, just thought I’d pass that along!

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