Star Wars & Legos

* I’m catching up on a back log of Christmas photos and videos. So bear with me as I post them in batches of three or four.

Trey’s favorite toys right now are Legos. Combine that with Star Wars and you’ve got something he can hardly contain himself over. He got quite a few Lego sets at Christmas and they were by far his favorite gifts.

Our friends Dr. & Mrs. Davis sent him a Christmas card with $10 in it and he had $5 he had already saved over the last couple months. I had a Barnes & Noble coupon for $10 off so I took him there and he bought a big $25 Star Wars Lego set he’d been eyeing for some time (and that I had previously said was out of our price range).

We came home and I helped him put it together. Then next morning, before we headed off on a 6-hour road trip he had me dismantle it all. He spent four hours of the trip putting it together on his own in the back seat.

Forget buying a car TV for my kid! I just hand him an pile of Lego bricks and he’s content for hours!